Our Process
Beltone Hearing Aid Center is here for you every step of the way towards better hearing.
The Beltone Experience: Step by step
We’re hearing care partners ready to personalize each hearing journey to fit you and your lifestyle.
Your FREE Hearing Test
Your Beltone hearing care professional will guide you through the steps of the hearing consultation.
Health History Review
The first step begins with understanding your health history and lifestyle needs. These details factor into the kind of hearing aids that are right for you.
Step 1
Receive a FREE hearing consultation and screening
Doctors recommend people over age 60 get their hearing screened annually. Screenings are a painless procedure that includes several tests to measure how well you hear a variety of sounds, such as tones and speech. Your Beltone hearing care professional will guide you through the steps of the hearing consultation – either in office, as a curbside screening, or from the comfort of your own home via telehealth services. Schedule your appointment today!
Step 2
Review your health history and lifestyle needs
Ready to start hearing better? the first step begins with understanding your health history and lifestyle needs. Are you outdoorsy? Do you frequent restaurants and public place? Do you enjoy television., music, movies and lectures? Do you work every day? All of these things are more play into the kind of hearing aids that are right for you. Visit or call us to get started today.
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Step 3
Understanding your audiogram results and try a hearing aid
If you’ve taken a hearing exam and hearing aids are recommended, we’ll show you the many styles of Beltone hearing aids that may be right for you. You can try on actual hearing aids to determine the best fit. Schedule your test today!
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Step 4
Receive & test your new Beltone hearing aids
Today is a great day to start your journey to better hearing. Book your appointment now. We look forward to meeting you.
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A safe & sound hearing experience
To ensure you feel comfortable visiting us in person, we just want you to know that our offices are open and ready to help you. Rest assured we are following CDC precautions and PPE procedures and we’re cleaning and disinfecting our offices with Clorox® products* to help keep you and your loved ones Safe & Sound.
Belcare Service
Your hearing partner, with you every step of the way
From your first hearing screening, through all the years you own your Beltone hearing aids, your BelCare benefits assure you attention at any one of over 1,500 participating Beltone Hearing Care Centers, nationwide. BelCare provides for your hearing health—and protects your investment—in 12 valuable ways. No other company offers the same level of commitment. BelCare entitles you to a lifetime of hearing care! It also protects your investment in many significant ways. Your BelCare benefits plan is just another way Beltone puts patients at the heart of hearing care.
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